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Accredited Sonography Programs

Accredited Sonography Programs

How to Find an Accredited Sonography Program in 2025

Beginning an educational program is a major commitment, and it’s important to do your research. Learning about the career itself and whether or not it would be a good fit for you is probably the most important first step, followed closely by choosing an appropriate program.

Cost, location, time to completion, career assistance, employment rate, and entrance requirements are all important things to consider, but for a career in diagnostic medical sonography, it’s equally important, if not more so, to choose an accredited sonography program. While most states don’t currently require certification or licensure to become an ultrasound technician, almost all employers will. If you attend a sonography program that’s been accredited, achieving licensure or certification is an easier process and attests to the level of education that you’ve received.

What is accreditation?

Accreditation is a process that a school or program goes through that demonstrates that they have achieved a certain level or quality in the education they provide. The standard is set and approved by an outside or unbiased agency that assures the training and instruction meets quality standards. Simply put, it means that an accredited ultrasound technician program has passed a “quality assurance test”.

Learn More About Accreditation and Medical Sonography

Samantha Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVTExplore the topic further with Diagnostic Medical Sonography – The Definitive Guide to Planning Your Career by sonographer and trainer Samantha Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT. Whether you’re just beginning to explore the field or you’re well into your career and looking to advance, this step-by-step guidebook will give you the knowledge and insights you need to excel in this rewarding field. Available on Amazon.

Book cover for "DMS - The Definitive Guide to Planning Your Career"I love how relatable, honest, and straight forward this book is. This book is great for future sonographers that aren’t sure where to start, and for seasoned sonographers that want to explore career growth opportunities. I can’t think of a single thing you didn’t cover; from school to every career avenue a sonographer could take. This will benefit so many sonographers; I only wish I had it when I was staring my sonography journey!
-Megan Meade, RDMS, RDCS
Educational Consultant

Who provides accreditation for Diagnostic Medical Sonography programs?

Accreditation for ultrasound technician programs is provided by the Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). The CAAHEP accredits more than 2200 programs in 32 health science careers.

The CAAHEP is the most widely recognized accreditation agency when it comes to diagnostic medical sonography or ultrasound tech education programs.

While it currently accredits over 200 sonography programs, a handful of states do not have CAAHEP-accredited schools, and only a few accredited institutions offer online ultrasound programs. Thus, it is important to find out if ultrasound schools in your geographic area of choice are accredited, if not by the CAAHEP, by another accreditation organization.

For accrediting ultrasound programs, the CAAHEP seeks recommendation from the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS) and together they develop standards in cooperation with a number of other expert institutes and societies related to ultrasound disciplines and concentrations.

The standards an ultrasound program must meet are extensive and include such areas as faculty qualifications, curriculum, student outcomes, clinical and didactic components and more.

How are Accreditation Standards Met?

To meet the JRC-DMS Minimum Expectations for Accreditation, the diagnostic medical sonography program must have the following goal(s):

  • “To prepare competent entry-level general sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains” and/or
  • “To prepare competent entry-level adult cardiac sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains” and/or
  • “To prepare competent entry-level pediatric cardiac sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains” and/or
  • “To prepare competent entry-level vascular technologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.”

The recently proposed revisions to the Standards and Guidelines for Accreditation of Educational Programs in Diagnostic Medical Sonography include 2 new learning concentrations: Breast Sonography and Musculoskeletal Sonography.

Other proposed changes included the requirement that all DMS Programs appoint an appropriately credentialed and qualified Clinical Coordinator.  These and other changes continue to improve the quality of education provided by accredited schools across the country.

Article series on choosing the best ultrasound school

Admittance to an accredited ultrasound school is a competitive progress. Our 3-part article series on choosing the right ultrasound school, by Adrienne Hardy, RDMS, will help you find the right program, prepare the best application, and understand what you’re getting into.

How do you find accredited sonography programs?

The CAAHEP has provided a very user-friendly tool to help you find an accredited program in your state. With their tool, you can search by profession (from DMS to cardiovascular technology, radiology, and beyond), specialty, and location, and it will give you a list that meets the parameters that you have set.

“Complete at least a two-year program at an accredited, college-based school is number one. Be sure it is accredited (with the CAAHEP) so you are eligible to sit down and write the Boards (certification exams). Be careful because a lot of private schools don’t tell you they’re not accredited.” Extended interview with Tom Whelan, diagnostic medical sonographer, echocardiographer and vascular technologist (RDMS, RDCS, RVT, FASE).

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