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2025 Ultrasound Schools Info - Buy The Book!

Lindsey Mehringer, BS, RDMS (ABD,OB/GYN,PS), RVT

A special thank you to our Spring 2021 Sonography Scholarship election committee member Lindsey Mehringer, BS, RDMS (ABD,OB/GYN,PS), RVT, for helping Ultrasound Schools Info select this term’s scholarship recipient. You can learn more about Lindsey and her sonography journey below.

I was born and raised on a local farm in southern Indiana and have worked in healthcare for 15 years, as a sonographer within a level 2 trauma hospital setting for 10+ years. I am married with four children ranging in age from 3 to 15.

I attended the University of Southern Indiana receiving a bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Through this amazing program, I have been able to pass multiple registries after graduation including abdomen, OB/GYN, Vascular, and Pediatrics.

Sonography is a very rewarding career and will bring you different challenges everyday. Through my many years of experience, I will personally say it is a very rewarding career although some days can be more difficult than others.

The journey as a sonographer will not always be easy, but it is always worth it – Enjoy the ride and embrace all the challenges, you will become a strong person/sonographer in the end!

The Ultrasound Schools Info Sonography Student Scholarship is a semi-annual, non-renewable $1,000 scholarship awarded to an aspiring sonographer currently enrolled in a CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography program, or a high school student who has been accepted to a program.