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2025 Ultrasound Schools Info - Buy The Book!

Accredited Ultrasound Technician Program Near You for 2025

Explore our free, comprehensive directory of CAAHEP-accredited diagnostic medical sonography schools nationwide.

Whether you’re starting out or leveling up, a sonography degree or certificate from a nearby school can open new opportunities.

Pick your state to explore accredited programs, certification requirements, salary data – plus expert interviews and valuable career insights.

Book Buy the Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Definitive Guide to Planning Your Career

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether or not an ultrasound career is a good fit for me?

“[Sonographers] have to have a passion for it. Don’t do it because you heard it pays well, don’t do it because somebody told you that there’s a lot of jobs in it. It has to be something where you’ve done the research, you know what the field involves and you say “Yeah I can see me doing that. If you want to get into the profession, know about it.

If somebody asks you, “What does a Sonographer do?” have an answer. If you can shadow, which is near impossible to do unfortunately, try and shadow. And do well in whatever pre-requisites you need, because if you don’t work hard at that, you’re not going to survive an ultrasound program.” – Dr. Traci Fox EdD, RT(R), RDMS, RVT

Dr. Traci Fox EdD, RT(R), RDMS, RVT

What prerequisites do I need?

The prerequisites for sonography schools vary throughout colleges and universities. For example, prerequisites for an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree may simply be a high school diploma or GED. Master’s programs typically require the previous completion of a Bachelor’s degree. Graduate faculties may require that you have completed some relevant courses during your undergraduate degree, such as Anatomy and Physiology, Physics, Math and Communications.

Select your state to find local ultrasound programs and their degree specific admission prerequisites.

Any advice for aspiring sonographers?

Emily Downs - Sonography | Radiology | University of Colorado Denver

“In looking for a sonography program, be sure you find one that best suits your needs. Be sure to research the different avenues of ultrasound and have a basic understanding of what this career will require of you. It is imperative to understand the level of responsibility required by a Sonographer.” – Emily M. Downs BS RDMS RVT RDCS

Should I request information from a school and talk to a representative?

Yes, and it’s typically recommended that you prepare a list of questions ahead of time. Some areas you may wish to cover are whether graduating form a program makes you qualified to sit for the ARDMS certification exam (most programs do), what ultrasound specialties or courses are available, clinical locations and schedules, the program’s timeline, the availability of ultrasound equipment (i.e. is it compatible with current or progressive technologies), scholarship opportunities, and prerequisites for admissions.

How do I compare degree programs – can I request information from multiple schools?

Yes! In fact, it’s a great idea. Comparing programs allows you to find the best fit for your career goals, location, preferred specialty, and schedule. Schedule a campus visit. Exploring multiple options ensures you choose the program that meets your needs.

Any suggestions on how to best prepare for future sonography trends?

Sonographer, Author and Program Director Yonella Demers, MSRS RDMS (Ab, Ob/Gyn, PS) RVT

“Inherit best practices to scanning techniques, increase proper utilization of ergonomic equipment, attend conferences or subscribe to ultrasound journals that would keep them informed of current trends in sonography like fusion imaging, elastography, and ultrasound contrast imaging.” – Yonella Demars, MSRS RDMS (Ab, Ob/Gyn, PS) RVT