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2025 Ultrasound Schools Info - Buy The Book!

Sonography Student Resource Center

We have partnered with sonographers and educators from across the country to help answer some of the questions and issues facing today’s sonography students.

Whether you’re exploring your options for ultrasound school, are in the middle of your degree program, or ready to graduate and begin your job hunt, you’ll find the real help and advice you’re looking for here.

Future Sonography Students – Start Here!

Our experts were tasked with asking themselves what they wish they had been told before they started their ultrasound program. Learn their strategies to help you be more successful!

Let’s Get Clinical

Clinicals should be a part of every ultrasound program, even those that are online. But what are they? Learn how to maximize this critically important step in your education.

The Low Down on Certification

Professional certification is an absolute must for sonographers. Even though most states don’t require it, your potential employer will. Learn what certification is, who provides it, and how you can qualify for and pass the exams.

Insight & Tips From Sonography Pros

The professionals and instructors that we have partnered with have a wealth of information that they are eager to share with you. Let their expertise motivate, guide, and prepare you for your future career as a diagnostic medical sonographer!

Sonography Community Resources

Tutoring is a valuable tool whether you’re struggling to pass a specific class or are preparing to take a certification exam. These are just some of the terrific resources available to students.

Meet Our Contributors

Candice Marie Sellers, B.S. ,RDMSCandice Marie Sellers, B.S., RDMS Editorial Team & Contributor
The Skilled Sonographer, DruAusten Fields, RDMS (AB, OB/GYN), RVTDruAusten Fields, RDMS (AB, OB/GYN), RVT Editorial Team & Contributor
Lynn Nguyen, Sonography Student Lynn Nguyen Editorial Team & Contributor
Adrienne Hardy, RDMSAdrienne Hardy, BS, RDMS (Ab, Ob/Gdyn) Editorial Team & Contributor
ChristinaChristina Fanello Editorial & Social Media Team
Samantha N. Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVTSamantha N. Callis, MHA, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT Editorial Team & Contributor

Add Your Voice

Would enjoy sharing your school and career experience with other aspiring medical imaging professionals?  We’d love to hear from you.